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March 14, 2019 | By S&H
Posted in: S&H Firm News

Staas and Halsey LLP in Top 10 U.S. Law Firms with Best Alice § 101 Patent-Eligible Subject Matter Allowance Rates

            On February 7, 2019, released an analytical study of which U.S. law firms were the best at overcoming Alice rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 101. The study included firms with at least 500 disposed applications (“high-volume firms”) that had experienced an Alice § 101 patent-ineligible rejection. Staas and Halsey LLP has been named one of the Top 10 high-volume firms with the best Alice allowance and overcome rates.

            “Since June of 2014, Alice has become one of the most feared names in patent prosecution. Rejections citing Alice have multiplied exponentially since then, and they now account for more than 60% of §101 rejections and more than 8% of all rejections.” Currently, the USPTO average Alice allowance rate is roughly 54%.

            The results are as follows:

            (1) In the category of “High-Volume Firms with the Best Alice Allowance Rate”, Staas and Halsey LLP ranked as the top 6th U.S. law firm at a 60.07% allowance rate.

            (2) In the category of “High-Volume Firms with the Best Alice Overcome Rate”, Staas and Halsey LLP ranked as the top 4th U.S. law firm, at a 42.58% overcome rate.      

            The Alice allowance rate is the percentage of applications that had one or more Alice rejections but were eventually allowed, and the Alice overcome rate is the success rate at overcoming Alice rejections on the first try.



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